The Compliance Team
The Compliance Team is made up of Compliance Officers, Fraud Advisors and Internal Auditors. Keep reading if you want to find out more.

A Compliance Officer looks to oversee how the business is dealing with risks, provide advice and independently check that the business if giving good customer outcomes.
Knowledge of the regulations that we must follow is a good skill to have in this role, along with a keen eye for detail and ability to write precise and detailed reports. Good communication and organisation are also great skills for this role.
Take a look at what one of our current Compliance Officers has to say about the role...
On a day to day basis, a Fraud officer will look to ensure that information provided by our customers and dealers is correct and a true reflection of them. Any discrepancies will be investigated and communicated our operational teams to help with better lending decisions.
Fraud officers will help staff to implement different ways of working to help prevent any fraud risks in the future. Being able to communicate effectively with all stakeholders is key, along with having a good eye for detail. Having the initiative to keep your Fraud knowledge up to date and the ability to research in detail are important skills for keeping one step ahead.
Have a look at this short video for more information...
Internal Audit
An Internal Auditors job is to make sure that checks completed by the business and the Compliance Officers are adequate. The Auditor will look at a wider area and dive in to more detail during their checks. It is important in this role to communicate effectively with the wider business making sure your findings are clear.
The top three skills to be an Auditor are, attention to detail, ability to challenge and being able to communicate with senior stakeholders.